Living in hope
This is the website of Torcuil Crichton, MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar. Here is where you will find news and information about my work on behalf of the people of the Western Isles.
I’m a Labour politician but I am here to serve everyone and to do my utmost for every islander.
If you’d like to raise any topic with me or if you’d like to meet to discuss any particular issue, get in touch here and we will make arrangements.
I have caseworkers in Lewis and Uist covering the whole of the Western Isles and hold regular surgeries and coffee mornings which you are welcome to come along to.
I always maintain that our best days are ahead of us and that by working together we will improve the islands and the world.
We come alive in hope.
Torcuil Crichton MP
Living in hope
This is the website of Torcuil Crichton, MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar. Here is where you will find news and information about my work on behalf of the people of the Western Isles.
I’m a Labour politician but I am here to serve everyone and to do my utmost for every islander.
If you’d like to raise any topic with me or if you’d like to meet to discuss any particular issue, get in touch here and we will make arrangements.
I have caseworkers in Lewis and Uist covering the whole of the Western Isles and hold regular surgeries and coffee mornings which you are welcome to come along to.
I always maintain that our best days are ahead of us and that by working together we will improve the islands and the world.
We come alive in hope.
Torcuil Crichton MP
We need change. Since being selected as the prospective Labour candidate people I have been struck by the number of people who stop to welcome me home and then then prod my shoulder to demand political change.
Beò ann an dòchas
Seo an làrach-lìn aig Torcuil Crichton, Ball-pàrlamaid nan Eileanan an Iar. An seo lorgaidh sibh fios agus naidheachdan mum obair às leth muinntir nan eilean.
‘S e Làbarach a th’ annam, ach tha mi a’ riochdachadh a h-uile duine, agus tha mi an seo airson mo dhìcheall a dhèanamh airson a h-uile eileanaich. Ma tha sibh airson sgrìobhadh thugam air cuspair sam bith neo coinneachadh airson taic fhaighinn, nach leig sibh fios an seo agus cuiridh sinn cùisean air dòigh. Tha mise dhen bheachd gu bheil ar làithean as fheàrr romhainn agus gur ann le bhith ag obair còmhla a nì sinn adhartas airson nan eilean agus an t-saoghail.
Is mise, Torcuil
Beò ann an dòchas
Seo an làrach-lìn aig Torcuil Crichton, Ball-pàrlamaid nan Eileanan an Iar. An seo lorgaidh sibh fios agus naidheachdan mum obair às leth muinntir nan eilean.
‘S e Làbarach a th’ annam, ach tha mi a’ riochdachadh a h-uile duine, agus tha mi an seo airson mo dhìcheall a dhèanamh airson a h-uile eileanaich. Ma tha sibh airson sgrìobhadh thugam air cuspair sam bith neo coinneachadh airson taic fhaighinn, nach leig sibh fios an seo agus cuiridh sinn cùisean air dòigh. Tha mise dhen bheachd gu bheil ar làithean as fheàrr romhainn agus gur ann le bhith ag obair còmhla a nì sinn adhartas airson nan eilean agus an t-saoghail.