A Voice for the Islands
We need change. Since being selected as the prospective Labour candidate I have been struck by the number of people who stop to wish me well and then prod my shoulder to demand political change.
The Labour Party will answer that call. Welcome to my campaign to win Na h-Eileanan an Iar and make the Western Isles part of a historic Labour government to change our lives for the better.
We need change. Since being selected as the prospective Labour candidate people I have been struck by the number of people who stop to welcome me home and then then prod my shoulder to demand political change.
The Labour Party will answer that call. Welcome to my campaign to win Na h-Eileanan an Iar and make the Western Isles part of a historic Labour government to change our lives for the better.
Islanders have been taken for granted for too long. We have been ignored by an uncaring Tory government which crashed the economy and neglected by an incompetent SNP government which has burdened the islands with the ferry crisis.
I grew up on Lewis and know the Western Isles well from my work as a newspaper reporter and programme maker for the BBC. I think we are at a crossroads where we can shape our own future as a vibrant communities, tapping into a transformative Labour government, or we can slip back into further division under Tory and nationalist rule.
As a Westminster journalist I have seen politics close up. I don’t need a map of Commons to tell me only Labour can replace the Conservatives and bring about the renewal the country needs and the islands demand.
I have the skills to listen, to make a persuasive argument and the passion to deliver. As a Labour MP I will shape policy for the islands instead of taking a line from a party and a government which does not understand or care for our needs.
The political tide is turning, we face a big challenge to win but Na h-Eileanan an Iar has been Labour seat before and can be again. With your support we will win here, we will see a Labour government, we will raise a new voice for the islands.
We need change. Since being selected as the prospective Labour candidate people I have been struck by the number of people who stop to welcome me home and then then prod my shoulder to demand political change.
Eòlas agus Seirbheis
Bidh cuid againn eòlach orm, neo ag aithneachadh mo ghuth sa mhadainn bhon rèidio agus a’ craoladh air telebhisean mar fhear-naidheachd.
Chuir mi seachad bliadhnaichean ag aithris air ais dhan Ghàidhealtachd à Westminster, far an robh mi mion-eòlach air poileataigs mar fhear-naidheachd.
Tha mi air a bith aig cuid de na tachartasan naidheachd as motha air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha mi cleachdte ri bhith a’ craoladh air mo chasan agus a’ conaltradh sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla.
Fad na h-ùine sinn ghlèidh mi na ceanglaichean agam leis na h-eileanan a stèidhich mi tron obair agam nuair a thòisich mi aig A’ Phaipear Bheag agus aig a’ BhBC air Eòrpa.
Tha an cànan agus na h-eileanan air mo chliù agus mo chosnadh a thoirt dhomh mar fhear a tha cothromach agus direach a’ dèiligeadh le diofar chùisean connspaideach.
Tha an t-àm ann na fiachan sin a phàigheadh air ais le bhith a’ cleachdadh mo sgilean airson riochdachadh agus leasachadh nan eilean.
Islanders have been taken for granted for too long. We have been ignored by an uncaring Tory government which crashed the economy and neglected by an incompetent SNP government which has burdened the islands with the ferry crisis.
I grew up on Lewis and know the Western Isles well from my work as a newspaper reporter and programme maker for the BBC. I think we are at a crossroads where we can shape our own future as a vibrant communities, tapping into a transformative Labour government, or we can slip back into further division under Tory and nationalist rule.
As a Westminster journalist I have seen politics close up. I don’t need a map of Commons to tell me only Labour can replace the Conservatives and bring about the renewal the country needs and the islands demand.
I have the skills to listen, to make a persuasive argument and the passion to deliver. As a Labour MP I will shape policy for the islands instead of taking a line from a party and a government which does not understand or care for our needs.
The political tide is turning, we face a big challenge to win but Na h-Eileanan an Iar has been Labour seat before and can be again. With your support we will win here, we will see a Labour government, we will raise a new voice for the islands.
Time for Change
The next general election when it comes will be about one thing – getting rid of the Tory government.
Ferry Crisis
The two ferries, five years and millions overdue, have become a symbol of the SNP government’s monumental incompetence.
A Future for the Isles
The islands are a great place to live and have massive potential. We have to work together to bring about a better and fairer future for all.
Eòlas agus Seirbheis
Bidh cuid againn eòlach orm, neo ag aithneachadh mo ghuth sa mhadainn bhon rèidio agus a’ craoladh air telebhisean mar fhear-naidheachd.
Chuir mi seachad bliadhnaichean ag aithris air ais dhan Ghàidhealtachd à Westminster, far an robh mi mion-eòlach air poileataigs mar fhear-naidheachd.
Tha mi air a bith aig cuid de na tachartasan naidheachd as motha air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha mi cleachdte ri bhith a’ craoladh air mo chasan agus a’ conaltradh sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla.
Fad na h-ùine sinn ghlèidh mi na ceanglaichean agam leis na h-eileanan a stèidhich mi tron obair agam nuair a thòisich mi aig A’ Phaipear Bheag agus aig a’ BhBC air Eòrpa.
Tha an cànan agus na h-eileanan air mo chliù agus mo chosnadh a thoirt dhomh mar fhear a tha cothromach agus direach a’ dèiligeadh le diofar chùisean connspaideach.
Tha an t-àm ann na fiachan sin a phàigheadh air ais le bhith a’ cleachdadh mo sgilean airson riochdachadh agus leasachadh nan eilean.